Sunday, November 08, 2020

Sunday Papers: Oscar Wilde

"America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between."
On the turntable:  The Mountain Goats, "Heretic Pride"



Project Hyakumeizan said...

Indeed, yes - and the acceleration seems to have been under way for quite a while. Consider this quotation:-

"Among the insights […] we gained is the realization that we […] in fact have become slaves of our slogans “faster, faster” and “more and more”. Do we believe that the quality of our lives is improved tenfold by going ten times as fast, or hearing and doing ten times as much every day? What if the value of our impressions turns out to be correspondingly superficial as they grow more fleeting? What do we win? […] But we stand here at a threshold. From here on the law of our souls will always say: If the sensations reach us ten times faster, their impression will diminish tenfold, with the result that we will be the poorer the hastier we live. That is a small truth I have learned from the icecap, from the midnight sun and the hundreds of little wrinkles in old Kitsigajak’s face. It is another of the expedition’s results that I must not suppress... "

That was written by the Swiss explorer Alfred de Quervain after his crossing of the Greenland icecap in 1912!

Edward J. Taylor said...

Terrific quote. Many thanks Martin..