Friday, May 08, 2020

Random Travel Shorts

KLM flight to Amsterdam. Midwest summer clouds throw great shadows on the plains, intercut by the grey blotches of Russian cities.  Spoken Dutch sounds like a record played backwards.  Europeans tend to stand up and look around a lot while in flight.  The veritable forest of wind turbines in the North Sea, both onshore and off…

Belize City.  Hurricane bars on the windows.  Armed guards.  Politically British but Catholic schools.  Lots of Chinese food.  "Home is where the food is..." 

Aix en Provence.  A mime in white never stops moving.  A busker playing The Godfather theme on his accordion.  Cappucino served up in a 18th century cafe by a waiter with a 19th century moustache.

Myanmar.  The pecking order on begging rounds, monks up front, then the child monklets.  I'd like to see their bowls on conveyor belts, like in sushi chain shops.  The roads lined with bougainvillea, wide and open  and traversed more by bicycles an motorbikes than cars. The Buddhist University in Yangon, with an unusual blend of Gothic and spiky temple architecture.  Ubiquitous banana and mango trees.  The Jade Temple has a single donor, all the jewels controlled now by China, as are 75% of businesses in Myanmar. A cameraman hangs off the back of a jeep, snapping pics.  I pee under a waterfall, beneath the gaze of a green gecko...  

On the turntable, Howlin' Wolf, "Muddy and the Wolf"

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