Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Learned in the Garden Today

Try sweeping with the iPod on. Something heavy coming through. Maybe The Mr. T Experience, for example. And the body begins to follow certain movements. Nothing like the classic Townsend windmill, or anything else that would startle the neighbors. No, it's more subtle, the move of a bass player perhaps, more fitting to the slim body and long handle of the instrument in hand. The move starts small, with a splay of the legs, back slightly arched, knees pointing outward in the way that the Japanese might call, Ron-Pari. Thus supported, the hips begin to sway back and forth, shifting balance taken up by the broom, busy waltzing with the leaves and the twigs and the dust.

On the turntable: Mr. T Experience, "Making Things with Light"
On the nighttable: Idries Shah, "The Exploits of the Incomparable Mulla Nasrudin"
On the reel table: "I was Born, But..." (Ozu, 1932)


Taiko Tari said...

Nice! I do wonder if the same would happen if you were to listen to a bluegrass type of music... hehe.

Edward J. Taylor said...

Bluegrass is better for tree trimming, actually. For weed-pulling, nothing gets the job done fast than lightning-fast piano arpeggios. Closer to your heart, I recommend Odaiko for your next bout of log-splitting.

And for apartment cleaning, why not a little Elvis Costello?

Edward J. Taylor said...

Oh, and Taiko, I promise an EC review/write up very soon!
For now, read this:

I don't agree with every but it makes many good points.

Anonymous said...

Cooking: John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman. Even sardines on toast become romantic.

Driving through dark roads at midnight, breaking into the mountains and trying to find the trailhead: The KLF, Chill out album. Eerie.

Sunday morning at 10,000 feet in the snow: Gorecki's Symphony #3. My heart soars.

Edward J. Taylor said...

Brilliant! We could do this forever...

Cooking with Coltrane and Hartman is definitely appropriate since some of those tracks are dripping with cheese.

How about...
Moby while driving through snow.

Anonymous said...

Inspirational. I'll put some Kodo on the ipod while chopping firewood for the elderly neighbour this afternoon. Frustrated to be looking at the mountains from below - not above - on this fine day, I will enjoy wielding the axe.

Anonymous said...

and I just read this comment now. Thanks for the post!
(didn't mean to be cranky!) *grin*